
学术活动 | Information Processing & Management Conference 2022

图书情报知识 图书情报知识 2022-06-09

Prepare to submit your research!

Dear Colleague,

Prepare to submit your research to the Information Processing & Management Conference 2022 (IP & MC 2022), which will be held in the beautiful coastal city of Xiamen, China from 20-23 October 2022. 

Thematic Tracks for IP&MC2022 (which will also be special  issues in IP&M) are:

  • Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence

  • AI + Informetrics: Robust Models for Large-scale Analytics

  • Science Behind Neural Language Models

  • Machine and Human Factors in Misinformation Management 

  • Privacy-Preserving Methods and Applications in Big Data Processing

  • IP&MC2022 Interdisciplinary Topics

  • Machine Learning in Psychology & Social Science

  • Emerging Paradigms: Edge Intelligence, Federated Learning, and Blockchain 

  • IP&MC2022 Poster Track

  • Workshops for IP&MC2022

For further information on each thematic track and to submit your manuscript, please visit the website>>

Paper submissions are welcome on or before 15 June 2022. Reviews of submissions will be rolling.  

The conference is an innovative experiment in disseminating and publishing academic research in computing, communication, and information science.

IP&MC will publish cutting-edge original research at the intersection of computing, communication and information science concerning theory, methods, or applications in a range of domains. It will offer an array of community-building and research-enhancing activities.

IP&MC 2022 will be a truly interdisciplinary event and provide an excellent opportunity to meet scientific contacts, initiate new collaborations, and push forward innovations in research dissemination.

I look forward to receiving your submissions and meeting you in Xiamen!

Conference Chair

Jim Jansen

Qatar Computing Research Institute, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar

Submit your papers

Deadline:   15 June 2022

Submit here

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